Some girls hang their stockings….

but derby girls aren’t “some girls”.

I was hoping to post about huge leaps in my 25 in 5 progress after today’s practice. Unfortunately though, somehow we (the skaters) ended up locked out of our practice space. So we lost an entire practice. So sad. Especially since today was going to be a 4 hour (two 2 hour practices back to back) practice for me and I was *so stoked*. Oh well.

Tomorrow is the first day of the Roller Derby Workout Challenge. I’ve been watching the website and have been noticing a bunch of girls weaning themselves off of sugar, white flour, sweetened coffee etc over the last week.

NOT ME. Noooo, I have been doing quite the opposite in fact. Yesterday, I ate Chinese for lunch, McDonalds for supper, and drank WHITE wine in the evening. Oh. Ya. Tonight, a broth fondu, chocolate fondu (?), and beer. Lots of beer. Because I am going to MISS the beer and I need a good… no a GREAT sendoff.

Rolling around the Christmas Tree

I had pretty much resolved to do as little exercise as possible over the holidays. I wanted to give my leg muscles and knees some time to repair, and even moreso just wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to be lazy for a while. But then this happened:

It's all about balance


YAY!!!! 🙂 Hubby surprised me Christmas morning with a balance board and 5 lb weights. I suppose he wants to make sure that I’ve got the right stuff come January when we start hitting each other. To my fellow derby girls; I love you, but when push comes to shove (or smash in our case) my goal is to push harder than the rest of you. 😉

And check out that awesome hoodie. It comes from Rollergirlvia my parents and is made by PivotStar…. and it probably stinks cause I’ve only taken it off a couple of time since Christmas day 🙂

After all that balancing and lifting, I’m going to need some serious relaxation… so thankfully, my in-laws provided me with about a hundred pounds of spearmint eucalyptus epsom salts. My knees and thighs are thanking you already. And, I have new books to read in the bath too 😀

Okay, so hopefully this post is coming off in its intended tone, which is in total appreciation of the support I’ve received from my entire family on this awesome journey… I love you all.

Oh and to Mel and Clay; thanks for the wine. My drinking team appreciates your support in keeping me in shape over  the holidays as well.